amber glory

sharing my thoughts to inspire yours

About Amber February 12, 2007


I was born in the USA, but have spent most of my life in Austria and Germany. My husband, Brandon, and I started a church planting network which is on Mission to Create a New Future for regions of Germany. You can read more about what we’re up to at and

As an MK (missionary kid), I have always been involved with churches, christian organizations, etc. After graduating Bible College in the US in 1994, we entered the “mission field” in 1999 . So far, we’ve worked in Rome-Italy, Hamburg, Jena, Blankenburg, and Stralsund-Germany, and Opole-Poland. My absolute passion is Theology – the study about God. Jesus is my portion. I love all the why’s and why not’s about the Bible, what it has to say and how it applies to our lives. My hobbies consist of singing (check out my album), home decorating, and the gym. The other joys in my life consist of being a housewife and partner in Brandon’s life, just being there for others, seeing them changed and come into the Kingdom of God, teaching and mentoring women to be the godly women God has called them to be.

One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.” – Joan of Arc

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4 Responses to “About Amber”

  1. Dot Waycaster Says:

    Somebody has been doing much work! I haven’t gotten through all the info, but it is very appealing. We are still here and apologize for our neglect. Brenda came down for a short visit last Saturday. We closed all the restaraunts down for the evening. Maybe we can see you this year.
    Love you both, The Waycasters

  2. Schora Says:

    Hey amber wir hatten jetzt einige monate kein internet und seit zwei wochen kein telefon,wir haben jetzt ne neue nummer.meine mutter hat versucht euch anzurufen, aber es hat nicht geklappt. seit ihr ausgezogen? unsere neue nummer ist 036428/130439 liebe grüße jana ;-)!

  3. Lily Says:

    Wie get’s Amber,
    I love what you quoted here from Joan of Arc.
    It s exciting to see what God is doing through you and Brandon.
    Love you both,

  4. Rachael Says:

    So glad i found you. My husband and I are beginning the process of church planting!
    We have lots of similar loves. We both sing and I love to decorate!

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